Pork Section
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Due to a cattle shortage country-wide in 2009, it was with the hopes of bridging the meat gap, that we opened our pork section.
Being a small operation, we would only slaughter 20 to 30 porkers a day, but as demand grew and over time, we secured a license to slaughter 70 head per day.
As 2014 drew to a close, we had expanded our pork abattoir, and with that a license which allowed us to slaughter 150 head per day. We currently have cold-room space to accommodate 70 porkers and blast-freezer space which can take up to 120 porkers at any one time.
We take great care in ensuring our pigs are well looked after from the time they arrive at Koala Park Butchery to the time they are slaughtered. From all the methods used to stun, and slaughter pigs, we choose to use electric currents to stun the pig, then immediately after, it is bled out to finish the process. We believe this is by far the most humane way of slaughtering our porkers, and guarantees our meat quality is of the highest standard by the time it reaches our customers.

Christmas Ham & Pineapple Glaze
For most people, one of the best times of the Holiday Season is Christmas Day, where family and friends put every day activities aside, to spend the day together, usually around a table, with copious amounts of food.
One such food is the Christmas Ham, Koala Park Butchery & Abattoir have, over time, perfected our smoked hams. These are already pre-cooked, so actual cooking time has been reduced greatly. Once you have cooked your ham, all you need to do is glaze and eat.
Lucky for you, you don't have to turn the internet upside down trying to find the glaze to top it all off. With eight easy-to-come-by ingredients, our tried and tested glaze is simple to prepare, and is a hit with anyone who has been trusted with the cooking of the ham.
Follow our step-by-step recipe below. Note, the glaze will need to be prepared first.
What you will need:
1 whole
1 Punnet
1/2 Box
Approx 1/2 Cup
Heavy duty tin-foil
Koala ham
Pineapple rings
Melted butter
Cake flour
Prepared mustard (stir mustard powder into 7ml of water until a thickish paste forms)
Whole cloves
Drain the pineapple rings, reserving the juices, and arrange on your cooked Koala ham. (See second point under 'ham' instructions).
Mix the butter and flour to a paste, gradually stir in 125ml of the reserved pineapple juice, make sure all lumps have been smoothed out.
Add the sherry and mustard paste, stir over low heat until thickened and set aside, off the heat.
We hope your ham turns out to be the hero of the day as far as the food is concerned! Please feel free to photograph your Koala ham once cooked, and send it into us on info@koalapark.co.zw.
Score your Koala ham in a diamond-shaped pattern by using a small sharp knife. Depending on the size of the ham, place the lines approximately 2-3 inches apart and less than 1/2 an inch deep. Do not make one continuous score, make several smaller ones.
Place the pineapple slices on you Koala ham, making sure they touch each other. Secure the pineapple slices to the ham with at least two toothpicks in each slice.
Put one cherry in the middle of each pineapple slice using a toothpick to secure it.
Insert the whole cloves into the scores you’ve made. Make a decorative pattern with them, making sure to place them evenly. Pour glaze over your ham.
Place the ham in a roasting dish. Pour a small amount of water into the bottom of the roasting dish, approximately half a cup.
Cover the ham with a lid, or heavy-duty tin-foil.
Bake on a heat of approximately 300-325ºC for 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the ham.
Remove lid or foil and continue baking for 15-20 minutes, depending on your oven and size of ham.
Remove ham from the oven and let it rest for at least 15 minutes before carving, this will keep the juices in.
Carve and serve!